Asbestos Assessment

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fiber found in rock and soil. Due to its durability and heat resistance, asbestos has been widely used in a variety of building materials, including insulation, fire retardants, shingles, tiles, drywall, plaster, popcorn ceilings, and cement products. It is also found in certain automobile parts like clutches, brakes, and transmission components. The release of asbestos fibers can occur during demolition, renovations, or when handling damaged asbestos-containing materials. Inhaling these fibers can lead to serious health issues, including asbestosis, pleural diseases, mesothelioma, and lung cancer. At Horizon Environmental Engineering, our EPA-certified, Accredited course trained, and Cal OSHA certified team specializes in comprehensive asbestos management solutions. Our services are essential for home inspections, ensuring that properties are safe and comply with environmental health standards. Our asbestos abatement consulting services across California include developing specifications, conducting inspections, documenting work practices, air monitoring, and clearance sampling. We emphasize personnel protection, secure containment, and safe abatement practices. We offer extensive coverage in areas including Orange County, San Diego County, San Bernardino County, Los Angeles County, Sacramento, Oakland, South Bay, North Bay, East Bay, and more. Services include asbestos surveys, abatement project design, abatement monitoring, contractor selection assistance, AHERA training, asbestos awareness training, operations and maintenance programs, and emergency response. For expert asbestos testing and home inspection services, call us today at (424) 477-4396 to speak with one of our environmental professionals.