Smoke and soot particulates adversely affect your health, the air you breathe, and the environment. Smoke and soot, also known as black carbon, are fine-grained solid residues resulting from the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. Common household sources of black carbon include the burning of candles, residential cooking and heating stoves, and wood in fireplaces and fire pits. Externally, diesel engines, industrial smokestacks, and wildfires are significant contributors.

Black carbon particles, once airborne due to events like wildfires, travel far from their origin, settling on and being absorbed by various surfaces. These particles typically accumulate around home and commercial building features such as ventilation grills, electrical outlets, and window sills. Without proper identification and remediation, these deposits can stain carpets, walls, and furniture, and lead to extensive property damage. Moreover, prolonged exposure to black carbon is linked to severe health issues, including pneumonia, stroke, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer.

Horizon Environmental Engineering offers specialized smoke testing and inspection services across California, including Orange County, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Oakland, and the Bay Area. Our services encompass comprehensive site assessments to pinpoint potential combustion sources, formulation of effective clean-up protocols, and detailed post-remediation assessments to ensure a safe and clean environment. Contact us today to safeguard your property and health from the impacts of smoke and soot.